
Random stuff.

Thanks guys for reading, commenting and encouraging!!  One of the things I've been practicing at is not caring so much what other people think.  You know, walking to the beat of my own drum.  Sometimes, it's a hard thing to do.  I just think life will be easier and happier if I learn to do it.

This week has flown by.  We are slowly transitioning from training to actually working.  It's making the days go by so much faster.  I was very apprehensive about taking this job at first, a little worried that I wouldn't like it.  Great news - I love it!  And I'm good at it.

This weekend in Philadelphia, I plan on going no where.  The entire population of Pensacola, FL is about to descend upon our town and I am just not interested.  That being said - a lot of people were nice to me on the way to the train station yesterday.  It was a nice change.

Weekend reads:  David Sedaris and Americans being deported.
You're welcome.

1 comment:

yo, whats up?