
Under Pressure

I sent an email to some old friends that I'm rekindling the blog.  I don't know why I did that.  Now I'm feeling all out of sorts.  I've been blogging/online journaling since I was in...6th grade?  Or maybe before.  So much pressure!  Also, I need to do a better job at keeping up with people in person.  Why the heck would anyone care about Stooptime if they haven't seen me in months?

In other news, the bf is talking to his goddaughter on some FaceTime/Skype thing and it's super cute.  One of the girls from work asked me if I liked living with him.  I said it's the most I've felt like "home" in years - I was surprised by my honesty.

Speaking about people from work, my training is almost done!  I'm almost ready to go out and hit the floor, talking on the phones.  I'm excited and a little nervous, but as a creature of habit, I just want to get into a routine.  After the last job, I feel ready for anything.  Transitions are rough.  I'm ready for this particular one to be over.

Anyway, I've been sitting here for 30 minutes trying to write and I can't get it together.  Too many texts and distractions.  Read this really interesting article and I'll word vomit my theory about social media and the internet next time.  Or give a more coherent post on anything.


  1. Don't feel pressure! If you want to blog, do it! If not, don't! Of course, we love to her what's going on, but don't feel pressure. :D

  2. Homie, we love you regardless and will read anything you put out here for the simple fact that it's written by you! If it ain't fun, you don't have to do it. I'm glad you sent us the email- I read so many strangers' blogs that getting to read a friend's blog (no matter how sporadic the poss) is really just an awesome treat. The bottom line- do you! \m/

  3. Yes! I will read anything you write - forever and always.


yo, whats up?