
Compared to everyone else...

What does your FaceBook feed say?  Mine says engaged, engaged, married, anniversary, look at my cute kid, look baby now toddler, oops another baby! (just kidding we planned it), look I still drink beer!  I know every generation laments something that is changes and wonders how it will impact future heirs to come, and here is what we will ruminate about:  what are the consequences of social media and the internet?

It's such a weakness of mine (and of humanity's, I think) to constantly compare what I'm doing and where I'm at in life with everyone else that I know.  Like I said, I've been working on it!  And then I realized what I was doing everyday.

Get up in the morning, look at FB, then Instagram, then Tumblr.  Get ready for work, leave, get on the bus, look at FB, then Instagram, then Tumblr.  Get a break in the day, look at FB, then Instagram, then Tumblr.  Sensing a pattern?  And while I love keeping up with friends from all over without actually taking the time to talk to them, I constantly hear that voice in my little head "they are so much more successful than you are, look at them, traveling the world, getting married, having babies, what ARE you doing with your LIFE?"

It's funny to see how it's shaped our world.  While, at our fingertips, we have a wealth of knowledge available in an instant and that has surely done a lot of good in the world, we also have a wealth of people to compare ourselves with.

And it's not just the internet - the Kardashians, Biggest Loser, the Voice, American Idol, The Real World, Intervention, Hoarders, insert a reality show here.  America eats it up.  Know we know that there are indeed people in the world that think buffalo wings are from actually buffalos (ha, I'm not as dumb as her!).  And there are people who literally waste their lives away doing drugs or squishing cats with newspapers (I'm so better than that).  Oh, and how could I forget, people who get Land Rangers on their 16th birthdays (jealous/what a bitch).

It's just something to take in and be aware of.  Things are changing, let us not lose sight of what's really important.  It just ends up detracting from happiness.


  1. http://whatshouldwecallme.tumblr.com/post/67419346669/after-scrolling-through-my-facebook-newsfeed

  2. It's ok to take a different (longer & more thoughtful) path. Our generation is rushing! And living in excess it seems according to the images in my Facebook feed. It's so hard not to compare - but we shouldn't, because we're awesome.


yo, whats up?