
It's Summertime & The Living's Easy

Things I couldn’t flesh out into full entries:

The internet is ending.  No, seriously.  It is.  CNN said so.  In other news, the supply of fresh seawater and fresh oil is almost depleted.  They will now be mixed.  Sorry for the inconvenience.

Yoko Ono is usually blamed for the end of the Beatles.  My roommate Liz informs me that Yoko Ono did NOT make the Beatles break up because blah, blah, blah (sorry Liz, I didn’t pay attention, I was focusing on sangria).  However, had the Beatles not broken up when they did, they might be look back upon like the Backstreet Boys – some catchy songs but should’ve ended it while it was good.  Oh, wait. What did the Backstreet Boys sing again?

Since when did interviews get so intense?  I had to take a test.  It was like the third grader version of the GMATs but still!  At least it went fairly well, here’s to hoping!

Work has been super slow lately.  All the Penn kids have left and I am stuck with making $85 on a weeknight (excluding Friday) instead of $150.  I was extremely bored the entire time.  At least I got to watch the Flyers game Monday.  Oh, and write an Art History paper.   Oh, and play 14 rounds of hangman.  Oh, and eat a million and one donuts. 

Anyway….I didn’t bring a book to work Monday because I didn’t know who was managing and whether or not I would get in trouble.  I will not be making that mistake tonight though.  While I was buying my cap and gown ($100 by the way, WTF) I found “Waiter Rant” in the bargain bin.  HECK. YES.  So excited to read it.

And last but not least, let me add that this is my last week of undergraduate classes.  I’m rather torn up about it, as I usually am when leaving something so familiar.  Every year, my birthday falls during finals week.  Normally, I just celebrate and don’t study.  This year however, college has given me its first gift.

ALL of my finals fall directly on my birthday.  But, because I’m a graduating senior, I don’t have to take any of them. 

Dear University,

Thanks for removing the shaft as a final farewell & happy birthday gift by exempting graduating seniors from finals which all fall directly on my birthday.

Here's a check for $8,000 for my first term of grad school tuition.


Beach this weekend??

1 comment:

yo, whats up?