But, the most mind-blowing thing happened at the very beginning of my shift. Usually the stereotype of a Mexican restaurant is that there are immigrant Mexican workers somewhere, if not in the front of house staff, then hidden in the back as dishwashers and cooks. I don't buy it, Mexican people cooking Mexican food....
Anyway, this is not the case at Mad Mex. The front of house is almost completely Caucasian, there is one Mexican dishwasher, one dishwasher from another country (he hasn't learned enough English yet for us to get to know him, but he's really nice!), and the rest of the BOH (back of house for those that don't work in the service industry) staff are split 50-50 between ghetto and no-so-ghetto. Don't get me wrong, they're all really nice, but ghetto still.
I was grabbing ice and I hear the dishwasher Charles, and a line cook Jay talking. Charles has a crush on me, but he's at least 15 years older than me (haha, I know, hasn't stopped me before) and has fathered at least 3 kids with another on the way.
Anyway, Charles goes "oh man, I use a condom 'til I know the girl really well, like 3 or 4 months." Just let it sink in. 3 or 4 months. Know her. Really well. Enough to allow her to bug you for child support for the next 19 years. Or to give you the HIV. Or clamidia.
[Sidenote: Downside to using Google as a spell check - it now looks like I searched for clamidia]
Jay turned to me and was like "yo gurl, what about you?" I looked at him with a look of utter amazement and was like "NEVER." He goes "WHAT?!?!, NEVER?!?!?! You never use a condom?" "NOOOO, I ALWAYS DOOOO and ALWAYS WILL. NEVER WITHOUT ONE. I don't want no kids, and I don't want no diseases!!!"
I immediately left the kitchen, mortified and reeling in socioeconomic thoughts.
Can't wait to work again in 3 1/2 hours!
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