
Back to Real Life

The past two days involved a lot of snow and a lot of unproductivity - thank goodness. I totally needed the break.

But now, back to real life. Too much to do today, and too little time. I have to wear my work clothes all day because my life is packed from 11:30-4, work is at 4 until 3. I'm picking up a marathon work schedule and my life is jam packed until Tuesday, when I take those two midterms I missed this past Thursday.

Luckily, I have this sitting in front of my house to remind me how great those snow days were.

Also, it is supposed to snow again on Monday.

I promise that something will happen tonight that I can blog about this weekend. I mean, it's Valentine's Day weekend and my shitty little restaurant is having a great special. Who takes their date to a Mexican joint with $6 burritos for a 3 course Valentine's Day meal? Exactly. This should be great....

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yo, whats up?