
Update: Life

So, it's been a week, and a Valentine's Day, since I posted about THAT GUY. Ughhhh. This is why I hate posting about my personal life - everyone loves it, but everyone wants an update.

So here is how I spent V-day.

I made $123 at the restaurant being weeded (that means running around like a chicken with my head cut off) for 6 hours. Could've been worse, could've been better.

After that, I saw my best friend Pogo after his week-long cruise, and hung out with Liz for the remainder of V-day. Couldn't asked for a better one if I do say so myself. A little bit (or a lot) of rum later, I'm down for a blog update.

But I may be only able to say: I only like you when you give me cookies...

THAT GUY said no, but actions prove otherwise. I've had a wonderful happy six days otherwise, and I'm cool with continuing the non-relationship, as it were. Relationships freak me out anyways, and if I'm happy, then so be it!! Everyone should be happy.

Since then, I've been contemplating a hobby. I was going to start drawing people, but instead, me and a friend are gonna start a business. Too early to jinx it, but I'll let you in on details if it comes to fruition. First step in becoming a millionaire!!

Happy V-day. May everyone find love in friends, if not in lovers.

1 comment:

yo, whats up?