We have our trendy different chairs because we are poor, and really are thrifty. [I'm convinced thrifty is just a trendy word, instead of frugal, which is really what thrifty is.] So frugal or thrifty, (wow, think of the connotations!) restaurants have started to use this variety chair act too. Only in New York though. Why New York? Extra trendy people there? Sorta, the people there are so fashionable that they will pay EXTRA to eat in a restaurant if the chairs are different. [Isn't that what trendy means?]
So, as I was pondering our "trendy" kitchen chairs. Nelly was being a silly numnuts and doing the little game I like to call the "cat on chair". Let's start with the chairs she likes to play on.

Okay, so Nelly climbs up on the back of these chairs so her butt is facing where someones back would be. She slips her tail in between the slats to get balance, she starts spying on her own tail, then suddenly and sleuth-like, she starts batting and swatting at her own tail. A version of "catch the tail" if you would, usually reserved for dogs. Only she's a cat, so she does it on a chair. Where she will surely fall off without her tail to balance her. In fact, if it weren't for her tail, she wouldn't be able to sit on the chair (of course, if her tail weren't there, she wouldn't be playing the game anyway).
Anyway, I started thinking "how STUPID is my cat, I mean really come one. She's obviously going to fall! She is doing something potentially detrimental to her health (she falls on her head a lot) just because she is bored and she is entertained by it." And then I started thinking....no really, I took a second and tried really hard and just thunk a thought.
How many times had I done something and then thought: this is really stupid, I probably look like an idiot and should stop. Well, the answer is a lot. But yet, I still started to engage in idiotic behavior, and I continued, and am continuing even now. By idiotic behavior, take anything any of us do today. Alcoholics, drug addicts, caffeine-addicts, money-addicts, people who like a thrill, people who need excitement, people who have to ride bikes to get to work, people who have to climb in dangerous places for work, anyone who has to breathe in pollution on a daily basis. Any of us. Almost everything is detrimental to your health (I'm convinced dying is just a compilation of all the wrongs we did). Some are paradox-ily detrimental, like breathing [in pollutants, allergens, and smoke). But a lot are just plain old "SURGEON GENERAL WARNING" detrimental. But we still do them. Because we like to, dammit. And we're okay with it because most have become socially acceptable among humans, or at least socially acceptable among our friends.
I vote we continue, because we have to. Let's have fun and look silly!!
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