

It's been awhile since my last post.  I did a lot of growing up and now have decided to join the Rebel Blogger movement.  If a movement can be defined as 2 people....

My excuses for never writing range from "who cares about what I think or write?" to "what if my boss or future employer reads this?"  Well, whatever.  I've decided I don't need a themed blog (popular ones for girls range from fashion, to music, to cute animals - all of which I love, but none of which I wish to write exclusively about) or one that has a vast following.

So here's to you, those three people that I know read my blog (Srav, Liz and Lorna)!  I'm going to start posting again.  I started today already!  Liz posted a DIY post I did on her awesome Get Rich or DIY Tryin' blog!  I made a cool little owl named George to hang on my wall!

Liz and I had a conversation while I was in Colorado that inspired me to start blogging again (more about the Colorado trip later).  She has been trying out blogger meet-ups and has decided that most bloggers are actually super snobby assholes, my words, not hers.  So, she decided to forget those guys and write about what she loves, and I'm supporting her movement by joining it!  It helps that my online persona is like Sam Weir in Freaks and Geeks.  The online world is so big!  There are SO MANY people out there writing and doing and creating. Almost nothing will set me apart, so, why bother trying?  I'm just gonna do what I love and screw the rest.

Life has been crazy lately.  TV shows and movies have been addressing kids, high schoolers, college goers, and 30-60 somethings lives forever.  But rarely does a show or story address the hell that is your mid-twenties.  Graduating from school, searching for a job that you'll probably hate, trying to decide how to act "grown up" and paying back student loans is stressful.  There are a lot of emotional and stressful situations, and there's no guide book.  Everyone I talked to about it says "just survive and wait for your thirties".

Surviving I am.  I moved in with my boyfriend in a super uncharacteristic move.  I have never been in a happier living situation since I got my period.  I finally got a job thanks to help from one of my best friends.  Boxing has become one of my favorite pastimes, and I'm not half bad at it.  Makes working out a lot easier, I'm much more motivated.  My friends since college have changed, and it's not always happy.  I feel a lot less social than I did in college, but I think that's just part of this era, I suppose.  I could go on and on; there are so many issues with being in your mid-twenties, but only so much attention span for one post.

So tune back in this week.  Read some entertaining stuff.  Or at least stuff you can either relate to or laugh about....


  1. YAY! Welcome back, my dear. Let's set the blogging world on fire!

  2. You're one of my favorites! SO happy you've started blogging again. Write about what you love and care about and screw everyone else- AMEN. I feel the exact same way. :)

  3. Add me to the list. I've read everything you've over posted so far, so no reason to stop now. ESPECIALLY now that you're a rebel. Mid-twenties, yuuuup. Let's get drunk.


yo, whats up?