

Last night, my work computer was stolen, I lost my contact 3 times, and I watched a piece of food fall out of a fat lady's rolls.

All while I was sleeping.

Lately, my dreams have been crazy.  The writer lady I met at the beach told me she uses her dreams as inspiration.  If I use my dreams, here are the books I will write:

  1. Children's Book:  a water bottle who gets to go with his owner to the Olympics.
  2. Thriller/Mystery Book:  four friends go to a bar in a building everyday after work.  The bartender mysteriously changes one day.  That day, two cleaning ladies are found dead in the bathroom they were cleaning.  The next day, someone sitting at the bar is murdered.  Each day, someone else disappears and the friends are desperate to figure it out before one of them dies.
  3. Fiction:  There's an older couple living in a huge mansion with servants.  They take you in and tell you their servants are always 1/2 working, and they think their house will fall apart soon because they stopped trying to make money and are far to generous to fire these workers who have families and are, quite frankly, too dumb and unskilled to work anywhere else.  You, being the ever problem-solving person you are, realize the money making potential of a huge vintage closet you find upstairs....
  4. YA Fiction:  At night, the grocery store comes alive.  There is a guy who writes one word on every cereal box in the joint, you have to go through all of them to figure out what he's saying.  There is a group of skater kids who fly through the aisles.  There's a gang of kids who hangs out telling ghost stories, while a gaggle of girls start a "no boys' allowed" club. 
I have so many more, too.  

Would you read any of these stories?

1 comment:

  1. Loving the children's book idea! Way cute. What does it say about me that I'm 26 and wanting to read children's books??



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