
As the world falls around us

Let's focus on the good things in life.

Mumford and Sons was an AMAZING concert. Besides seeing the geniuses sing their awesome compositions, I got to witness an amazing "Liz" moment. The lead singer's guitar string broke and the band was killing time as it got fixed. Making conversation to "relate" to us Yanks, the guy says "Yea, and I saw the liberty bell. Not as big as I thought it was going to be." (In a Bri-ish accent. Awesome right?!). And in that one moment of almost complete silence, Liz turns and says "guys, that's what she said!"

Proceed to laughter.

After the concert we (Pogo, Liz and I) went to the park right behind Independence Hall and "ate a sandwich". Good times. (HIMYM reference. Anyway.)

Onto different things. I have a job interview for this week or next week...if the guy ever emails me.... And if I don't get the job/don't actually have the interview I'm starting my own business. Screw it. Everyone else is doing it. Besides, who wants to work a stuffy office job while in grad school? I wanna eat sandwiches all day long.

I can pay grad school tuition in one shot. As in, I can probably afford most of grad school rather than getting loans. Not as in I can go to the bar, order the most expensive shot and that's the end of grad school. Wouldn't that be sweet?

Good things....good things...

I'm going to work soon, so the list has to stop. But here, enjoy this Lady Gaga video. Done by (relatively) straight dudes. It's awesome. And good!

Liz, get your work done! You can do it gurllllllllll!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, so I think all of those dudes were gay.

    Also, I've been doing work, kind of! Still not done that ridiculous paper though.

    Side note: Sunday night was so much fun. Love the HIMYM reference. Also, I just tweeted that everyone should follow your blog. I HOPE THEY LISTENED.


yo, whats up?