
So About That Tip

It never ceases to amaze me. The people that go out to eat and fail to leave a tip over 10%. A lot of servers in Philly bitch about tips less than 20% because we are spoiled. Philly is the highest tipping city in America. 20% is a norm. However, the clientel that my restaurant brings in are the scum of this earth...so our average tip is about 15% - which means we either get screwed or we get 40%.

Let me explain...

Many people who have never worked in a restaurant just don't know how it works. Servers get paid $2.85 an hour, or something similar (at most restaurants - some pay a living wage which is more around $7/hr, but those are few and far between). Servers usually get tipped on the sale amount, including specials, and tip out on the gross amount which doesn't include the special price.

Again, let me explain...

There's a host that seats the tables, the busser who busses the tables, and the bartender that gives the people their drinks. All servers have to tip out these people on the gross amount, not the sale amount. That means that if someone leaves a 10% tip on a happy hour or special price, the server just paid to serve that table. Yea, they just lost money. Don't believe me? That's fine. It's still true.

Moving on.

There are certain stereotypes about tipping. Indian's will tip 10% or less. Asians (unless they are mob-type ballers) will tip 10% or less. Ghetto people will tip 10% or less. College students will tip 15% on the sale price. The people that say "you are the BEST server we've ever had, thank you so much" will tip less than 15%. All of these people we pay for time and time again so they can have their water with no ice, hot tea, and Corona with grenadine. It's not fair. These people are annoying, they are mean, and we PAY to serve them. WTF.

Of course there are exceptions, but as soon as you walk up to a table, you know. And later, when you pick up the checkbook, you just cringe at the thought of looking at the tip, because you lose your soul over and over again.

Tonight was just one of those nights.

I pulled a 14 hour shift. Many of my tables tipped less than 10%. One left and was like "OH MAN, GO GET YOUR TIP!" They left me 8%. And sadly, I knew they were going too. Another table paid and left 9%. They later asked me to call a cab. I asked them if they could hail one and the lady goes "they don't stop for us" (it was really sad - they were black). So I called the cab company I use, caught them a cab, and went outside to meet it and hold it for them. The lady gave me another $5 which brought their tip up to 18%. Thank goodness, because that was going above and beyond the call of a server.

All in all, I did pretty well considering how little work I did and how mean I was to most of my tables, but it was just one of those nights.

After work I ran to the neighboring bar to order the entire staff beers 5 minutes before last call. With 7 beer and 3 shots in front of me, I was faced with a $24.50 bill (yea, restaurant worker discount!!! They charged us for 3 beers and one shot) which we paid $55 for. I then caught a cab to ride the 6 blocks home since there have been many muggings in the area recently and I had more than a $100 cash on me. I gave the guy $10 for a $4 cab ride with the parting words...

"Next time you're at a restaurant, tip well."

With many thanks and a "be safe now, ya hear?" he drove away.

Remember - tip well. Those people are humans too - they have bad days, they have to pay bills too.

It's just good karma!!

Now, go out, have a drink, it's only Monday, but you may need it!


  1. I always tip 20-25% unless the server is extra spacey, then I tip 15%. I RARELY tip any less. Those rare exception is if the server is a complete asshole or utterly rude. And I think that only happened twice in my life.

  2. thank goodness, i guarantee you all servers appreciate it, and thanks for at least tipping 15%!! spread the word :)

  3. sigh. indian people are lame, i apologize on our behalf.


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