
Mumford and Sons

Music is awesome. You can hit pause, play, skip, and repeat whenever you want. Oh, if only all of life was like that.

My best friend Pogo downloads all my music. He is my music guru, my music muse if you will. Every couple of months or so, he throws about five albums my way he thinks I'll like. Since I spend the majority of my time at class or work (this week 46 hours of work, 19 hours of class, 5-ish hours of homework) I can only handle so much at a time, and I sure as heck don't have time to filter through all the crap by myself.

Currently I am about halfway through listening to the "Sigh No More" album by Mumford and Sons. I really, really, really like it. After a few passive listenings, I needed to actually listen to it. So I'm sitting here at 3:01 a.m. after work listening to the album and reading the lyrics. Beautiful. Heartfelt. Awesome.

And because of my current relationship status, which is as usual complicated (to say the least), the lyrics are even more meaningful.

Love that will not betray you, dismay or enslave you,
It will set you free
Be more like the man you were made to be.
There is a design,
An alignment to cry,
At my heart you see,
The beauty of love as it was made to be

Not saying that I was or am in love. But, I have been thinking a lot lately about the distinct lack of truly loving relationships in my life. I mean, I'm in college, people are flaky, and with no significant other or strong family relationships - I'm pretty much just existing. Don't get me wrong, I feel very blessed to have five "best" friends. But...something is lacking. Maybe I need a hobby or I need to volunteer somewhere. I don't know, but I'll figure it out.

ANYWAY. It's my new jam.

Moving on, chatroulette? Have you heard of this?!?! It's crazy! My friends at work get drunk and go on this site that randomly connects you to other people via a webcam session. You can hit "next" at any time and connect to a new person. Apparently it's mostly men, some penises, some pedophiles, boobs, creeps, drunks, and druggies. But, it has endless possibilities for idle or drunk people. I don't think I could handle it alone, but in a group it might be a lot of fun.

I'm going to leave you with this. Lady Gaga's Poker Face, done as an ice skating routine = awesome.

Here's to a good week. Slainte.


  1. Woo! I just downloaded that album because obviously both you and Pogo have wonderful taste.

    I liked this post. It's early and I need coffee, so that is the extent of my comment for the moment.

  2. haha dude i totally tried chatroulette and i got instaneously disconnected by 5 guys since i didn't have a webcam on.

    please, please, please let us go bowling and do this the next time we hang out!


yo, whats up?