

I couldn't flesh out into full entries...

You know those really annoying "I have a cause, who is paying me $15/hr to recruit people to sign up, and you should really stop and talk to me about it" people? Well, I met a really nice one today. I was on my way to Art History (sounds boring, but I totally love it) after a very tiring night at work. I chose to stop and get a large coffee, even though it made me late because I needed it. The guy legit raised his hand from half a block away and was like "HEY! How are you doing? Can you stop and talk about __ (insert animal rights or other random cause here) for a minute?" Normally these people are really effin annoying and won't leave you alone. But, I answered "sorry, I'm already five minutes late for class." Instead of a death glare or a "c'mon, please, doesn't world peace mean anything to you?!?!?!" he said "alright, have a good day!!!" It warmed my heart a little. But not enough so that I didn't purposefully avoid him on my way to my next class....

On another random waiting for class experience, I saw a girl with a tote bag. Not an uncommon appearance on campus. Usually they say "juicy couture" or "insert random sorority here" or "hoes before bros" or something. But this particular girl's bag said "Girls on Top" complete with a very fake, glossy kissy lips logo. Can you say slut? I mean, why advertise it? Obviously you're easy, and you're not that bad looking. I'm sure guys get the hint when you show up to parties in sub-zero degree weather with nothing but boots on. Really? At noon on a Tuesday? Okay, I get it. You make a 20 spot every night on the street. Hope that pays for Drexel for ya.

AT&T, you suck. I thought it was just my phone. But my roommate informs me that its the network. Well, suck my nonexistent balls. You should work all the time. You shouldn't decide what texts to send (unless it's a kind of drunk-o-meter) and you shouldn't decide when I only get to call 9-1-1 or when I get to call whomever I want. That should be my right under the 32nd Amendment. Unluckily for me, they haven't passed that yet.

I was also gonna post a re-crap of tonights Project Runway, but sadly it was disappointing. I can already pick out who will stay most of the time despite sucking due to their personality (gay guy from south, Chinese lady who is, said nicely, just plain weird) and who will get kicked out first. Later, I may re-crap it, but tonight, there's no point. As there is NO POINT in having a "Model of the Runway Show" as the models do not get judged and they are just used as places to model the artwork/fashion. I mean, just watch Project Runway and you know exactly who will be the final model. Simple, easy, and pointless. Thank you network television for something stupider than Snookie saying "that's SOOOO gross, it was like alive before you killed it."

And as everyone's IQ drops, I wish you a Happy Friday!!

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yo, whats up?