
We were supposed to grow up?

Something happened to me on Thursday night at work, and it still boggles my mind.

A.) I had to send someone to the ER. She had a seizure. OR FOUR. And her friends FINALLY agreed with me to call 911. Who then couldn't find the restaurant. I tried to explain it to them, but the lady was yelling at me, so I stopped. She ended up being fine, at least she was walking. (Thanks for the 10% tip, twat waffles.)

B.) I got stiffed multiple times on multiple (over $50) bills.

C.) Some girl threw sangria in her ex's face. And then blamed me that she had to pay for it. Here's what went down:

It was 12:35. Last call for food. I didn't want anymore tables because my sales were really high and I had to clean the kitchen. But, I got roped into taking one last table. So, I took their order, put it in the computer, let my manager know I was done with food, dropped 3 checkbooks and picked up 3 more. So with 8 credit cards and about $100 in cash (and who knows if it's counterfeit yet, I have to check!) I run by my last table (let's call it 32, just for the hell of it). The two girls at 32 are screaming "HEY, HEY, HEY 'CUSE ME, HEY!" "What's up ladies? Need to order more food?" The girls are like "Gurrrllll, yo gotta move us! Can we move?! Can we go somewhere else?!" Silly me says "yea, just gimme a minute to make sure I get paid." My manager goes "What's up?" and I reply "they are being annoying, they want to move, let me take care of this first." And as I turn my back, table 32 throws their cup of white sangria in 53's face. Turns out, he was an ex (who tipped more than they did I might add).

The girl asks for another sangria, I don't feel like putting up a fight, I give it to her, give them the food, drop the check. Run by the table again "HEY, HEY, HEY 'CUSE ME, HEY!" "Hey ladies, what's up?"
Girl: Why we have to pay for two sangrias?
Me: Well, I had to ring them both in or the bartender doesn't make them.
Girl: Well she didn't even drink the first one! It's your fault too, cuz you didn't move us.
Me: Look, it wasn't my decision to serve children like yourselves, but if you wanna make a big scene and throw alcohol away, you still gotta pay for it.

Seriously?!?! Seriously?!?! WHERE DID YOU GROW UP? Nowhere obviously, because you are still a freakin 4 year-old. Go home. And don't ever leave again. In fact, try to get hit by a bus before you magically reproduce. Because I know that when your kid comes out, your gonna try to get him to pay the bills, cuz it's his fault you FORGOT A CONDOM.

URGH. I'm still worked up about it. And it has me doubting myself as a human being, or maybe just human beings in general. I don't wanna be stuck serving people like that forever. Neither do I want to grow up and work in an office forever. I don't wanna take the GMATS, study, or even finish school. I want to country-surf until I can come back to America, meet the man of my dreams, and live happily ever after (doing nothing for money and being able to volunteer everyday). However, it is my senior year, and like it or not, grad school is in my future. So is trying to find a job, however that is not going so well.

I work 40 hours a week (usually 32-36, sorry) and go to school. I'm tired. All I want to do when I have a spare minute is watch TV, do some recreational things, and be lazy. Which is why I got up at 9 a.m. and cleaned and tried to be productive. Yet, I'm sitting here writing a blog post about how my life is going nowhere instead of doing homework or studying!

If this is growing up, I wanna be 70. And now.

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