
When you have weird allergies...

Sunflowers ruin my life.  As I'm typing, I feel as though there is a tiny green monster in my stomach that is kicking and punching and screaming to get out.  This very mental picture may be why I don't want kids.  The little green monster has a sunflower head and only Benydryl and Epinephrine can tame this wild beast.   Problems arise when you have seasonal AND food allergies and taking an extra antihistamine can cause serious damage to your health.  ANOTHER reason I don't want kids - I can barely keep from dying some days, how am I supposed to care about someone who can't pour their own effin' milk?  (Ew, milk.)

Sunflower anything:

Yes, these demonically, artistically photographed things will kill me.  But have no fear!  They will not kill you.  Apparently, they won't kill anyone else on the plant.  My brother doesn't believe me - which is not such a big deal because he is 17 and not a doctor.  However my doctor, a renowned allergist ( who did almost call me a liar in the first 5 minutes of conversation we had) did lots of research and while they can't prove that I'm allergic, he believes me!  He believes me so much so that I got an epipen.  Oh yes.  An epipen.  Whose the biggest badass now? Huh? HUH? 

Except this badass can't eat: chips, white popcorn, SunChips, some types of bread, and basically any artificially flavored junk food out there.  Now, my dear young brother, I ask you who has known me for ages:  Do you really think I would voluntarily give junk food up?

I'll have to ask him that next time I see him.

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