
The Clarity Astounds Me

Clearly my hiatus from drinking was not long enough.  For those that don't know, or who didn't notice, I've taken an extended leave of absence from drinking in public because of my tendencies to do lots of really embarrassing things that I can't remember.

Luckily the only part I (hopefully) can't remember from last night is after I got into bed.  By myself.

Luckily my BRAND NEW LAPTOP that was upside down on the floor was still working today too.

The only thing I'm super worried about is being completely smashed in front of one of my biffles parents.  Why did I go there?!

Also, why does ANOTHER random old dude have my phone number?  I can't even remember what we talked about.  I have to stop.  Geez.

Guess that's what those gigantic Long Islands will do to you. Oh and free booze all night long.

Congratulations Loretta on finishing!!!!  Sorry you're best friend is a drunkie and could only post 3 pictures on facebook to commemorate the event.

1 comment:

yo, whats up?