
Insomnia is the Best

I'm afraid of a lot of things. But there is one thing in particular that I am very scared of. This fear causes me to only be able to sleep soundly during the daylight hours, which doesn't exactly help me when I need to wake up early for something. If you hadn't noticed, my last blog post (and now this one) will be posted before most people are even awake and start to think about procrastinating, however, I am just trying to go to sleep.

Insomnia is actually a symptom, not a disease. Interesting, huh? I feel like most people think it is an actual disorder. How is it treated? Gotta deal with whatever is causing it, which could be anything from noise to estrogen to a messed up Circadian Cycle. Or it is cause by extreme stress, anxiety, or psychotic drugs. I feel like the latter problems are a tad bit more difficult to fix.

Onto even more depressing things than lack of sleep, I've been thinking recently about rape statistics and how I think they are downplayed. I just did the math (loosely, so it could very well be wrong). 1 in 6 women are sexually assaulted. Let's say about 1/2 of the men that commit these assaults are repeat offenders (the rate is probably higher, most likely 75% are repeat offenders). So, 16% of women are victims, which means about 8% of men are the offenders. 73% of women know their attackers, which means 3% of the men we know may be rapists. Statistically speaking of course. That's a lot. Or at least, I think it's a lot. Especially since I'm in college which ups the chances of rapage by 4 times. There's all kinds of things that could make that number lower - like let's say not all women are attacked by men, or if we use the 75%, it's more like 1%.

Not to downplay the men's side. 1 in 33 men are sexually assaulted. Sorry, guys, I truly am. I'm also sorry this is so depressing. Honestly, I think it's just interesting data.

Speaking of interesting data, watch this video. It's this cute little old man that uses data to de-bunk third world myths. Sure, it's not the funniest or most interesting thing I've ever posted, but totally worth while.

Have a great Friday!

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