
Hi, my name is Andrea, and

I'm an alcoholic.

Scene: I wake up with no shirt on, my bed really messed up, my phone is getting wet on the windowsill from the rain and I'm sleeping on a clean pair of jeans and a clean pair of shorts that I neglected to put away yesterday. I further wake up and realize my trashcan is half way across the room from where it is supposed to be, but all articles of clothing that I wore last night are in fact in my room. And my contacts are put away (I vaguely remember doing that). So, my question is, how on earth did this happen? My answer: I have no effin idea. Hi, my name is Andrea, and I'm an alcoholic.

As I search deep, deep into my memory, I remember walking home from Scooters, meeting friends to walk my other friend home, and that's it. By the way, I should never travel to Scooters. It is a ghetto, shoot-em-up bar, that every time I have gone to, I've made bad friends and gone home worse for wear.

Searching a little deeper and remembering not being able to make it up the stairs outside, I find myself mortified. If I had stopped on the stoop, I quite possibly would not be writing this blog post right now. Instead, I gave it the old college try (pun intended) and made it in the front door. Without keys. Thank you, Matthew Wiley. After that, my memory fails.

All I know is the scene I woke up to, which was horrifying to say the least. Now I have 2 hours til I have to wake up, finish up my homework, and go to class. But I'm still mortified by the fact I remember nothing. So that will not allow me to sleep. At least I'm drinking OJ and water!

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yo, whats up?