
Parties and Such

I've been wanting to post an update for a few weeks, and there have been two reasons why I haven't.  1) I haven't been doing so well going to the gym or eating well - not terribly, but not awesome.  Like mediocre.  That's been making me feel bad and generally bringing my mood down.  2)  My computer has been sucking balls.  It's a few (read 5-6) years old and the insides were getting gunky.  You know the drill - 5 minutes to switch between browser tabs, etc.  

But I have great news - I overcame my computer problems and fixed them myself.  And now it works great.  Even though I apparently need new RAM or memory or both or something.

Last night, the throwback PSP party happened!  I organized it, no big deal, and it went off without a hitch despite my irrational anxiety about it beforehand.  The cops only came once and we kicked the keg and everyone seemed to have a really great time.  Success!  There were a few people who were unable to come that I really would have loved to see, but, there's always another time.  I also handled my anxiety really well during the entire thing - didn't black out, paced myself, and was sober without spins when I got home.  Also didn't have that usual drunk shame the next day.

My overall blahness is still around.  I'm going to the gym all this week, so that should help.  Otherwise, I just need another hobby or project or something to work on.  I was working on cleaning my crap up and starting to digitize all of my old paper files that are hanging around.  But that's less than inspiring.

So, I don't know, we'll see.  I feel like January and February are always the hardness months for me personally to shake off my depression and anxiety issues.  Especially with all the changes that have been going on lately.  Guess I"ll just keep on keeping on.

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yo, whats up?