
July 2013

Dear Srav,

Hi, how are you?  That gym thing that I'm doing, it's still going.  I'm on week 5 of the Muffintopless Challenge.  My arms look GREAT.  However, my diet is awful.  I'm getting that under control though. Cracking down this week/weekend.  Meal plans and all.  Remember, fail to plan = plan to fail.

Finally went to the doctors today to deal with my dizziness.  She ordered a blood test to determine if my electrolytes or thyroid are low.  Also ordered a CAT scan because I failed a few of the neurological exams.  Told me not to worry, which made me worry just a tad.  Oh well, I'll see if I can get you a copy of the test results.  I know you'll be interested.  And I want to hear your conclusions.

I'm still looking for a new job.  Probably shouldn't post that on a blog, but considering the owner of my company knows I can't afford to work there and I've told him I'm looking, I can't seem to care.  Interviews are coming in, I'll let you know what happens.

My brother is coming up this weekend (little bro) for his birthday.  We are going to a hot dog festival, and I am so excited.  We're also going out for Tony's birthday.  And it's Lorna's birthday this weekend too!  So many people turning a year older!  Hmmm, that means they are Cancers.  According to astrology Geminis (me) and Cancers do not get along.  This is why, while I find the stuff interesting, I don't think it's something you can make decisions by.

Anyway, I'm starving.  I'll write again soon.  Hope you are doing well.


1 comment:

  1. I logged onto my blog for the first time in a long time and decided to meander over here though I know both of us haven't written in awhile. I cant believe I missed this post the first time around when you wrote it. It is addressed to me after all! Man. Crazy how time changes things eh? Miss you, love you, hope you're well.



yo, whats up?