
2 Best Friends..who are NOT gay

Last night I was sitting between two guys who also happen to be some of my best friends. We were watching a movie. Then I wished that I had a gay best friend, or two. According to my Murphy's Law type of life, I of course said this out loud, realizing a second later that I just told my friends I wished they were gay. Which is of course NOT what I meant. But, I think they laughed? Maybe not. Regardless, there is a moral to this story. I dreamt last night that I almost lost someone I loved dearly. Valentines Day is coming up. I urge everyone to give valentines to their best friends. How often do we actually tell the people that are there for us day after day, night after night, the people we have the most fun with, the most experiences with, the people that are basically family, that we love them? Not often enough as far as I am concerned. Plus I think that if Valentines Day eventually turned into a "I love my friends and family" day, it would come with a lot less resentment every year (except for those people that have no friends and family, which in case, that would be sad and they could still drown their sorrows in wine and chocolate...which is what I plan to do, with a friend or two, this Valentines Day).

In other news, HIV may be almost curable. An American man who lives in Germany had a stem cell transplant two years ago to cure his leukemia (he also had HIV). The doctors purposefully chose stem cells that had some certain characteristic (see article) that made them HIV resistant almost - or something. The American man who lives in Germany is now HIV free after two years, I will assume he is also leukemia free. Yay!!

Finally, click here for a love story between two badly burned Koalas in Australia. Awww Koalas!

Yea, they look cute and cuddly, but they are like raccoons. Kinda nasty.

One more day til Friday!!!!!

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