
It's only day 5 of 7...

It's been one of those freakishly long weeks.  The wall of complete physical and emotional exhaustion hit me as I walked into my apartment after work.  Feelings of being powerless, extremely happy and extremely depressed have ruled my week, making it one I hope not to repeat any time soon.

I definitely want to write about this week at some point, but I think I have to wait.  I have to wait to unveil the source of my happiness and distress until the end of the month.  No, it's not all about the "no drinking in January" rule that I so foolishly imposed on myself.

Last night I got a chance to watch some pieces on Netflix.  I absolutely recommend them all.  Disclaimer:  I have no real knowledge about what makes moving pictures "good" or "bad" - I base most of my opinions on entertainment value.

A story about an orphan who lives in a train station.  He fixes machines, and is very talented.  Lonely, he meets a girl who changes his world forever.  They go on an adventure and uncover some stuff about her Godfather's past.  The story speaks volumes about the movie industry, how it started, how it changed, and how people can pursue dreams and fail.  It was excellent.  I really didn't think I was going to like it!

First Position
Who doesn't find ballet amazing?  That people can move and look that way?  This documentary follows a handful of very talented people under the age of 19 who want a career in ballet.  If you like to learn and watch people dance, you'll like this pretty well done documentary.

As a fan of Basil Rathbone's Sherlock Holmes, I thought I would hate this series.  I've read the books and have seen almost all of the Sherlock Holmes movies.  But a TV series?  Bloody hell!  

Well, they picked great actors.  They have stuck to the old stories enough to make them interesting and keep us guessing, but not so closely that the characters seem to be copying all of the others before them.  It is action packed - each episode is like a small movie, clocking in around 1.5 hours.  I highly recommend watching it.  At least put it in your queue for that dreaded month of May when all of the TV shows are old again...

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yo, whats up?